Opening in the volatile political climate of Argentina in 1968, Centro de Arte y Comunicación (CAyC, Centre for Art and Communication) was an institution that promoted multidisciplinary and experimental forms of practice associated with conceptualism and 'systems art'.
In the tradition of the best experimental art of the 1960s and 1970s, artistic practices supported by CAyC brought closer together ‘worlds’ of art and contemporary sciences such as cybernetics and information theory, as well as local social and political concerns with broader structural analyses of relationships between the so-called First, Second and Third Worlds.
In a more literal sense, the dematerialised conceptualist art practices of CAyC, with documentation easily transmitted through the postal system, produced an actual network of connections between distant parts of the world, reaching then Socialist Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
In the spirit of CAyC, this exhibition will retrace some of these connections across the ‘networked worlds’ through reproduced and original archival materials.